Champions find the path back to their childlike optimism

When we champion a cause with other people, we act on a desire to do good in a way that brings out the best in us. We show that we haven't entirely lost our childlike capacity to "see the whole board" of possibilities. When we were children, we literally did not know that certain things were impossible, so we choose from among a wider, unrestrained set of ideas. We felt freed up to dream, imagine, and test things out. Championing our causes reconnects us to that primordial, inborn sense of wonder... to that freedom!

As children, we're closer to the time when we were pure immortal souls, before we were enfleshed in this mortal life, so it's easier to remember what the higher plane felt like, and call plays with the assumptions of that realm in mind. A Champion's effort is fueled by that inborn sense of wonder in what is possible. The world, with all of its pessimism, has not managed to snuff it out entirely.

Once we rediscover that path back to our childlike optimism and wider range of possibilities… once we feel the good feelings of reconnection, and see what we can achieve because of it, that pathway is strengthened all the more. The path had become overgrown with weeds and lost due to disuse, but now... you've found the hidden path through the dark woods of conventional doubts and assumptions. You've reconnected the path that leads to your higher aspirations in infinite possibilities. You're committed to it, and seeing your fellow Champions restore this strength only makes it more possible for you!

At first you leave behind bread crumbs along the path, to find your way back next time, but you return to mark it more clearly, "install lights" etc. Ultimately it becomes a well-lit, well-worn path. The more we travel that path, the stronger it becomes! Traveling down the path still manages to produce exhilaration, but over time it becomes a well-worn, comfortable journey to a land you know you love. It is a perpetual homecoming to your true hometown. Your true birthplace. Your Garden of Eden, where your factory settings of confidence in possibilities were bedrock… and are now again!

One day when I was in preschool, we went out to play and found a fallen tree. "Let's roll it out of the way!" I said. I did not think for one second that this was impossible. My classmates responded, and before we knew it, we were rolling it farther than I'd even intended, but once we started, the excitement of our momentum spurred us on.

Afterward, I remember a teacher asking us what we'd been up to… why were we so excited? "We moved that fallen tree!" I said. She smiled a smile that seemed to say, "Riiiiiiiiiight. Suuuuuuure you did." We all knew what we had done, and we weren't the least bit concerned that she doubted it. Thinking back on it now, my left brain kicks on and asks, "Yes, how did you all do that? Are you sure you did that? Is the tree bigger in your imagination than it actually was?"

I know what I know. The tree was not small. Our group was strong. We did it.

Champions "move trees" with collective might, a wider mindset of possibilities and infinite confidence. What "trees" do you need to move? You and your team of Champions can and will move them, despite what people say.


Champions stand in the gap, even in war


We can't let the news hijack our lives!